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Privacy Policy

At J & B Sportswear we take good care to ensure your privacy is never violated.  Please take a few moments to read our policy below.

What Information We Collect

When you place an order online or offline, we collect shipping, telephone and email contact, and payment tender information.  This allows us to charge you for your order.  Your information is never stored on a server.

Cookies and Tracking Software

Our server will never place place a tracking cookie on your hard drive.

Email Marketing

At times, we send our customers promotional emails about our products.  You may opt-out at any time by simply clicking the unsubscribe link included at the bottom of our email.  This is an instantaneous un-subscription.  If you opt-out of our marketing emails, you will still receive information from us pertaining to any order your place.  This includes any customer service inquiries and policy changes to the site.

Third-Party Links

This privacy policy does not apply to any third-party links on this site.

Information Sharing/Selling

We will never sell or share your information with third-parties.

Your Privacy Is Important

We do our best to ensure the trust of our customers.  Our promise to you is that any information you provide to us will be used according to this written policy.  Use of constitutes your agreement to the above policy.

We reserve the right to change, modify, or append this policy at any time.  We will do our best to inform all customers of the policy changes, however, it is the responsibility of the customer to periodically browse this policy for changes.   Browsing after policy updates implies your consent to the modifications.

If you do not feel comfortable entering your information on our website or if you have questions, please contact us to speak with a friendly customer representative.

Phone:  860-282-2070
Toll-Free Phone:  800-932-2193

Our office hours are: 10am-6pm Monday – Friday

  • Testimonials

    “I absolutely love J&B Sportswear. First, they are the nicest people you ever want to meet. Second, they are people of their word. Lastly, the quality of their products is outstanding!”

    Kent Elliott

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