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» 800-932-2193

» 860-282-2070

  • Custom Embroidery
  • Screen Printing
  • Promotional Products

About Us

Our History

Since 1974 J & B Sportswear and Lettering has been providing top quality, customized items to the Hartford area.  We are a small family-owned business that takes a lot of pride in our work.  We  provide screen printing, monogramming,  embroidery, as well as tackle twill lettering. We also provide many promotional items to help advertise your business or highlight a family event.  We work with customers to make sure that they receive a quality product that meets their  needs. We provide assistance in event planning.

Family Owned

J&B Sportswear & Lettering is a family owned small business that has acquired the ability and capability to produce small orders, ie: one item, all the way up to hundreds of items.

  • Testimonials

    “Always tell the truth. Then you don't have to remember anything.”

    Mark Twain

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